WWE RAW Results (7/25) – New WWE Champion, First Title Defense, Three Huge Returns!

Michael Cole vs Zack Ryder

Cole tries to shake hands but Zack throws him into the corner and pumps it up and hits the Rough Ryder for the win.

(Yes, that was really the match, but who cares, Iced Z is back on Monday nights!)

Winner – Zack Ryder

Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston

Alberto headbutts Kofi then whips him off the ropes only to get rolled up for a two count. Kofi throws him outside and tries a suicide dive, but stops when Alberto runs away. Alberto is in command after the break and he is focusing on Kofi's shoulder in the corner of the ring. The ref breaks them up then Kofi avoids a shoulder block by Alberto and he goes up top and hits a big crossbody for a near fall. Kofi is holding his arm but hits a heel kick and flying clothesline, then hits the Boom Drop and gets ready for Trouble In Paradise. 

Alberto avoids it and drops Kofi on his shoulder, but Kofi recovers and tries going up top only to have Alberto drop down and make a cover. Kofi rolls through, but Alberto grabs the ropes to avoid the pin and rolls to the apron. Kofi goes to bring him back in, but Alberto was waiting and snaps Kofi's arm off the top rope and gets him to submit to the Cross Armbreaker.

Winner – Alberto Del Rio  

Josh Mathews tries to get a word with Miz, but Miz is still pissed off and tells him to shut up. He says he can't believe Cena is getting a title shot tonight after him being the reason they have no champion. He then says Rey shouldn't even be a champion because he wears a mask and won't be must see like he is. He says Rey is a faceless champion, and says he can't do great interviews and photo shoots like Miz, then says HHH's new direction for the WWE is stupid, and it is also a mistake.


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