Complete TNA Impact 7/28 Results

TNA Impact Wrestling
Orlando, Florida (Impact Zone)
July 28, 2011
Commentators: Mike Tenay & Taz
Report by: Josh Boutwell

This week's Impact Wrestling opens up with Kurt Angle walking down the ramp to the ring. Kurt calls out Hogan and tells him to come down right now so they can "end this once and for all." Hogan's music hits and the Immortal leader makes his way down to the ring.

Angle says that all week long Hogan has been blowing up his and after 3 days of him not answering he figured Hogan would get the hint, but he just kept calling making him the same offer over and over. Angle says they have to get one thing straight, there is not one thing appealing to him about Immortal. Angle says Immortal is a bunch of ass kissers lead by the two biggest scumbags in the world. Angle says he will beat Sting at Hardcore Justice but it will be for the right reasons, for the World Title which he's in this business for. He also says that he's never beaten Sting before without outside interference and he needs to do that. Angle says he will beat Sting and when he does he will prove he is the best in the world. Angle asks Hogan if he knows how it feels to be the best in the world.

Hogan asks if that's why he brought him out here, to ask if Hogan knows what it's like to be the best and Hogan mockingly says "yeah I know what it's like to be the best…when there was no Stinger, no Morgan, no RVD, no Kurt Angle, no Beer Money." Angle says he even carried the business on his back and he put every small territory on his back until he turned this business into an international phenomenon. Hogan says if Angle wants to talk about a bunch of 16 year old punks buying a ticket because they want to be like him, they can cause that's why Hogan was the best. Hogan says in 1984 when Angle was still pooping in his diapers he was selling out arenas. Hogan seems offended by that question from Kurty. Hogan says since they have that cleared up, the reason he was calling Angle was because he thought Angle had a vision for a higher level, one that means a lot more money in this business. He says he doesn't care what Angle is making now or what he was backing "back in the day", he wants to help Angle make a lot more money now. Hulk says after that now Kurt wants to disrespect him.

Angle cuts him off and says he's not disrespecting Hogan and for the simple fact that he does respect Hogan is why he's not kicking Hogan's ass right now. Hogan laughs at that. Angle says he's not Anderson and he can't be bought. He says when he signed with Dixie Carter he promised her he would be the best wrestler in the company and he takes pride in that. Angle says he paid to see Hogan back in the day because Hogan was great and different, but now 25 years later the name Hulk Hogan brings on awhole new meaning. Angle says Hogan can't go anymore and Hogan cuts him off.

Hogan says Angle is crossing a real dangerous line right and he says if Angle is thinking he's going to climb into the ring again then he's crazy. He says he will never wrestle again. He says he had to make a choice, after 30 years of being the best in the game and after 8 back surgeries, knee replacements, and hip replacements have forced him to make a decision between life and no life and he made the choice for quality of life. Hogan says before Angle even thinks about saying something about his wife or his kids he'll prove to Angle he's no fluke. Hogan says maybe Kurt has to beat Sting the "right way" and he suggests that maybe Angle is training for the Olympics now is because he really didn't pin the guy in the Olympics and he feels guilty. He says maybe that was just a fluke too, but if he wants to call Hogan out and FIGHT him then he's getting real close to seeing it happen right now.

Angle says Sting was right, he lit a fire under Hogan's ass. Angle says he does want to go back to the Olympics but it's because the older he gets the more the fire burns in him. Angle says he doesn't doubt Hogan can still go but he needs to prove it to himself. Hogan tells Kurt to just spit out what he's trying to say and stop beating around the bush. Angle says Hogan wants to pay him a bunch of money to take out Sting, why doesn't he just take Sting out himself. Angle says every great warrior has one great fight left so why doesn't he and Sting prove it. He tells Hogan not to call him again and then drops the microphone and leaves Hogan in the ring.

In the back a girl approaches Bischoff and hands him a certified letter, she says the network sent it for him.


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