Impact Wrestling Results – Aug 4, 2011

Bound for Glory Series Match

Gunner & Scott Steiner vs Crimson & Rob Van Dam

Steiner shoves Rob in the corner then clotheslines him and taunts him, and follows it with chops to the chest in the corner. Steiner tells the fans to shut up then whips Rob across the ring, and Rob floats over and taunts him and gets dropped with a full nelson slam. Steiner tags Gunner in but Rob sweeps his legs and hits a standing moonsault for two, then tags in Crimson.

Crimson bodyslams Gunner then hits a T-Bone suplex for two, but gets hit by a cheap shot by Steiner then gets hit in the head and double teamed by Steiner and Gunner. They keep Crimson isolated for a while and Steiner drops an elbow then does push ups, then Gunner hits a side suplex for two. He remains in control until Crimson catches him off the ropes and slams him backwards, and crawls to make a tag.

Rob and Steiner get the tag and Rob hits a heel kick off the middle rope and catches him with Rolling Thunder, but Gunner breaks up the pin attempt and all four guys are fighting around ringside. Rob has Steiner set up on the railing but Gunner shoves him off and turns around into a spear by Crimson. Rob hits a Five Star Frog Splash, but Steiner drops him with a Steiner Line and takes him up to the top turnbuckle. Crimson makes the save and electric chair drops Steiner, which allows Rob to hit another Five Star for the win.

Winners – Rob Van Dam & Crimson

Christy Hemme interviews Rob and Crimson at ringside and asks for their thoughts about the tournament. Rob says it feels great, and he will beat everyone in the tournament to win the whole thing. Crimson says he is glad that Rob got the points, but it will be a different story when they face each other on Sunday.