WWE SummerSlam Results – August 14, 2011

Backstage: Stephanie McMahon & John Cena

We see Stephanie McMahon leaving a room. It’s shown to be John Cena’s dressing room.

Backstage: R-Truth & Jimmy Hart

R-Truth is shown backstage talking to himself. The camera pans to the side a bit and we see “The Mouth Of The South” Jimmy Hart. Jimmy Hart tells Truth he needs a manager. He gives him some of his credentials and tells him they should work together. Truth says he needs someone to watch his back and take hmi to the top. Truth eventually flips out about “Little Jimmy” …get it? Whatever, lol. As he goes to leave, he asks NBA player Ron Artest and his daughter, who were standing by, what they were looking at.

Wade Barrett vs. Daniel Bryan

Wade Barrett is out first, followed by Daniel Bryan. Barrett takes quick control of the early goings of this match. Barrett dominating Bryan with his size and strength advantages. Bryan starting to use his quickness and ring savvy to gain control of the offense. Bryan focusing on the legs of the bigger man, chopping him down to size and remaining in control of the match. Bryan with a cool flip spot to avoid a Barrett attack but Barrett catches him anyways moments later with a big sidewalk slam for a nearfall. Barrett is now firmly back in control and pounding away on Bryan on the mat. Barrett hits an enormous big-boot on Bryan, knocking him clean over the ropes and onto the floor. Barrett rolls him back into the ring for a nearfall. Barrett slaps a choke on Bryan and now it’s rest-hold time for a few moments. Barrett tries another big boot but Bryan ducks this one and Barrett crotches himself on the top rope. Both guys fight on the apron outside the ropes. Barrett picks Bryan up but Bryan falls into the ring and dropkicks Barrett off the apron. Barrett crashes into the barricade while Bryan dives off the apron and splashes onto Barrett on the floor. Crowd dug that. Bryan rolls Barrett back in the ring and goes to the top rope. Bryan hits a big move off the top onto Barrett but Barrett recovers moments later and is back in control of things. Bryan fighting back now with kicks to the legs of the taller Barrett. Finally he chops him down to the ground. Bryan hits another series of stiff kicks to Barrett while he’s on his knees. Bryan tries a pin but Barrett kicks out at two. Barrett hits a running big-boot to the face of Bryan to slow him down again. Barrett hoists Bryan up for Wasteland, his finisher, but Bryan reverses it into a standing guillotine choke. They hit the mat and Bryan reverses his own hold into a LeBell Lock. Barrett manages to crawl to the ropes to break the hold. The crowd boo’s that. Barrett selling the damage from both submission holds as Bryan continues to throw stiff kicks at the big Brit. Bryan puts Barrett on the top rope and follows him up. Barrett knocks Bryan off, crotching him over the top rope. Bryan remains crotched as Barrett comes off the top and clotheslines Bryan off the ropes. Barrett picks Byan back up for the Wasteland and this time he gets it. Barrett pins Bryan and gets the clean win.

Winner: Wade Barrett

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