*Spoilers:* Complete Impact Wrestling Results For Tonight

Mickie James defeated ODB (with Jackie Moore) with a DDT. During the match, Jackie had opportunities to attack Mickie on the floor, but she refused to do it. After the match, Jackie hesitantly shook Mickie's hand.

In a Bound For Glory Series Match: AJ Styles defeats Rob Van Dam by disqualification. Jerry Lynn showed up midway into the match. AJ had Van Dam beat with the Pele and when he went for the pin, Jerry pulled the referee out of the ring and the referee disqualified Van Dam. Styles yelled at Lynn on his way to the back and Van Dam got face to face with Jerry and exchanged words.

Crimson comes out and is limping because of what Angle did to his knee last week on Impact. Crimson says that it has been a long week. He said he used to have a great deal of respect for someone in the back, but there seems to be some issues they have to discuss. Crimson calls out Kurt Angle.

Angle comes out to the ring and grabs a mic. Crimson says that last week Angle was going to eliminate every young athlete wrestler on the roster and Angle chose him first. He says Kurt failed because he is still standing here and he is pissed. Kurt says that Crimson is a nobody going nowhere. Kurt says he was brought in to make guys like Crimson. Without Kurt Angle, Crimson is nothing but a green-ass little bitch. Angle says he has been making people his entire career and it's gotten him nothing but disrespect.

Crimson says no one has disrespected him. The young guys have put Kurt on a pedestal and he says it's an honor to face him. Kurt says that Crimson can't shine his gold medal and Angle says Crimson is going nowhere in this business. Crimson says he is already somebody. He says that next week, Kurt should meet him in this ring and he will show Kurt who he is and why Crimson is here and the now. He says he is real, he is damn real and leaves.

Jeff and Karen Jarrett join Mike Tenay and Taz to do commentary for the main event.

TNA World Tag Team Title Match: Mexican America (Hernandez and Anarquia [with Sarita and Rosita]) defeated Beer Money (James Storm and Bobby Roode) to become the new TNA World Tag Team Champions. Rosita got involved after Beer Money appeared to have the match won and Beer Money looked to lay her out. Karen Jarrett ran down from the announce table and distracted them from attacking Rosita. Jeff Jarrett ran down to save Karen and he handed the AAA Title to Hernandez who used it to hit Roode while the ref was distracted by Rosita. Hernandez pinned Roode to win the match.

After the match, the Mexican flag dropped and Karen and Jeff celebrated with Mexican America as Impact ended.

For Xplosion

In an Xplosion Championship Challenge Match: Magnus (with Douglas Williams) defeated Alex Shelley with a Michinoku Driver.

Abyss defeated Frankie Kazarian


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