Chris Masters Speaks On Punk Promo, WWE Release, McIntyre

The following are highlights of a new Chris Masters interview from Inside Pulse Wrestling:

On CM Punk mentioning his WWE release in a recent Raw promo: “I thought it was cool with him mentioning me working my ass off for the last year. But I don’t know about it being scripted into the promo, I don’t know if I was huge on that. But him putting that out there is definitely appreciated.”

On which release was more surprising: “Oh this one for sure. It is very different. I took responsibility the first time; I was young, made bad decisions. This time was much more surprising because I had matured a lot as a person and I didn’t make any mistakes. I just worked my ass of for a year. My mindset was different. This time I’m more so not leaving anything off the table. I’m not going to give anything against a WWE comeback. I’m just going to keep my mind open to any opportunities and avenues in Sports Entertainment. And outside of Sports Entertainment as well.”

On who he feels has the most potential to be a big star in WWE: “I’m definitely bias towards Drew McIntyre. I think he’s great in the ring. He has great timing. He was one of my favorite heels to work. With the right character development and time, he’ll definitely be a force up there. I was looking forward to doing some big things with him in the future.”

Check out the complete interview online at


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