WWE RAW Results (8/22) – New Tag Champs, Punk vs Cena for NoC Title Shot

HHH comes out and says there has been alot going on since Kevin Nash showed up last week, but he thinks it is all behind them and he wants Nash to come back out and explain it to the fans. Nash enters the ring and they hug, then HHH says he knows Nash thought he was helping out a friend but HHH didn't send the text, and the incident shouldn't have happened. Nash says he believes HHH is telling the truth, and he was going to apologize to Punk tonight, but after last week he rethought it. Nash asks him to please lay off, and HHH says he doesn't work here, and Nash says he is right and the security was for Punk last week.

HHH says he is not asking him to step down, and he can go beat Punk senseless somewhere else, but he is asking him to leave. Punk interrupts and says he wants to know who sent the text message, and starts naming suspects. He says it could be either one of them, or it could even be Stephanie, but he doesn't believe a word any of them are saying, and Nash should have apologized because he crosses the line constantly. He says Nash steps over the line too, but he is done talking because he is going to kick Nash's ass. HHH gets in his face and Punk tells him not to touch him, and says HHH always hated him and asked why he doesn't want Punk to be champion.

Punk makes fun of his wife and calls her bean-headed, and HHH tells him he made a promise that he wouldn't get physical, but he reminds Punk he is the same guy he has always been and can still kick his ass. Punk mocks him and says he wouldn't want HHH to take off and fold up his suit and put it in his wife's purse, because he keeps it there next to his phone and his balls. Nash nails from the side with a shot to the head and HHH gets in Nash's face and tells him to get out of the ring. HHH and Nash leave together while Punk is left holding his head in the ring. They show Nash and HHH walking in the back and HHH tells him he needs to leave, and Nash says it has only been a month with him wearing a suit, but he can believe how he has changed.


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