Cookie Speaks On Leaving TNA, JBL On Owen Hart Pranks

Cookie Speaks On Leaving TNA

Courtesy of Dave Lagana:

TNA's Cookie (Becky Bayless) joins the I Want Wrestling Podcast this week. On this episode we talk about the reason she is no longer with TNA, how her debut as Cookie happened, the interaction with J-Woww, thoughts on Snookie at Wrestlemania, her managerial inspirations and how she's changed over the last 10 years.

Also you can win a phone call from Becky – get details at

You can listen to the podcast now –

JBL On Owen Hart Pranks

On JBL's Facebook page in the discussions section, he tells about numerous ribs Owen Hart pulled. Then later on, a rib on JR that backfired.

Here's the link:!/topic.php?uid=194176253533&topic=18786


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