WWE RAW Results (9/12) – Punk/HHH Final Confrontation

John Morrison & Alex Riley vs Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger

Dolph hits a shoulder block off the roeps then Morrison hiptosses him and slingshots him into the corner, and hits a flash kick for a two count. Morrison runs at him in the corner, but Dolph moves and kicks Morrison in the chest then hits a jumping elbow drop for a two count. Dolph tells Swagger he's not tagging, and Morrison hits him with a enziguiri then Riley and Swagger both tag in, and Riley hits a spinebuster. He knocks Dolph to the floor then hits a sweeping STO for a two count, and fights off an Ankle Lock attempt by Swagger. He kicks Swagger into Dolph on the apron and hits a fireman's carry cutter, then makes the cover as Dolph watches the ref count to three.

Winners – Alex Riley & John Morrison

Josh Mathews is with R-Truth and Miz and he says HHH mas made their tag team match against Air Boom official, and asks if they have different feelings towards the COO. Miz takes the mic from him and walks around backstage saying he is sick of hearing about CM Punk, and they are having a faceoff and telling the truth, so Punk should change his name to BS. Truth says he actually likes the decision, and Miz asks what he is taking about, and Truth says Ninja Please and says he hopes HHH loses Sunday and they should go tell everyone what the truth is. They come out to the arena and Truth says COO spells 'coo' and if you say it twice you get 'coo coo'. Miz says Air Boom is gonna get got on Sunday because that's the truth, and Truth says they are awesome.

The Miz vs Kofi Kingston

Miz kicks Kofi into the ropes, the punches him in the corner until the ref calls for a break, then he applies a headlock that Kofi elbows his way out of. Kofi monkey flips Miz, then leapfrogs him off the ropes and avoids a clothesline and armdrags Miz out to the floor as we go to a commercial. When we return, Miz hits a DDT for a two count then shoves Kofi into the turnbuckle,but Kofi reverses and stomps Miz on the chest then hits a spinning elbow and a dropkick. Miz shoves Kofi again, but Kofi jumps to the second turnbuckle and hits a springboard crossbody for two, and gets another near rollup. Miz goes for a neckbreaker backbreaker combo, but Kofi reverses into a backslide pin for two then goes to the top rope. Miz shoves him off and knocks him to the mat, then hits a Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

Winner – The Miz


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