WWE Smackdown Results – September 23, 2011

After The Match: The Viper Strikes

After being DQ’d, Orton goes ballistic and attacks Rhodes. He hits him repeatedly with his own face mask. Orton hits Rhodes with the middle-rope draped DDT move. Two referees try and get Orton to stop. Orton picks Rhodes up and throws him out of the ring. Orton follows him out. Orton hits Rhodes with an RKO on top of the announce table. As expected, Rhodes being busted open and bleeding is heavily edited as expected. After the RKO all we really see is Orton, kind of covered in blood on his body, walking away.

Backstage: Christian and Sheamus

Backstage, Christian approaches Sheamus in his locker room. Christian gives Sheamus a potato as a peace offering. Christian tells Sheamus when he wins back the title, he’ll give Sheamus the first shot at it. Christian then does his routine to try and get Sheamus to help him in the LumberJack match. Sheamus mockingly tells him he will help him. Christian thanks him and walks off.

The Great Khali vs. Jinder Mahal

We return from commercial and Great Khali is making his way to the ring. Michael Cole has his serious voice on and talks about Orton’s attack on Rhodes prior to the break. Out next is Jinder Mahal. Khali vs. Mahal is now in progress. Khali chops the hell out of Mahal early. Mahal uses his speed and quickness to chop Khali down to size. Mahal is in control of the match now. Mahal works over Khali, focusing a lot on the big man’s legs. Khali eventually makes a comeback, using his power to knock Mahal down by basically running through him. Khali simply puts his foot on Mahal’s chest and scores a pinfall. Khali wins.

Winner: The Great Khali

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