Hell in a Cell Mentioned on ESPN, Trailer For New Piper Movie

Hell in a Cell Mentioned on ESPN

Thanks to Nick Poss for sending this in:

On today’s ESPN “Pardon the Interruption” with Tony Kornheiser and guest host Bill Simmons, they were talking about which big college football game would be better, and Bill responded with something along the lines of “Who cares? WWE Hell in a Cell is on Sunday.” Kornheiser laughed before saying “What?” Bill then mentioned John Cena, Alberto Del Rio, and CM Punk by name. Kornheiser then said he was putting his money on Cena, pronouncing his name wrong.

Trailer For New Piper Movie

The following is the trailer for the upcoming film “Fancypants,” featuring WWE Hall of Famer “Rowdy” Roddy Piper:


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