WWE RAW Results (10/17) – RAW Invades Mexico, Laurinaitis Rehires JR?

John Laurinaitis comes out to loud boos and says tonight marks the return of Rey Mysterio! He says Rey will return to see his doctor, and tells the Mexican crowd that they have no sense of humor. John says he will search for the the COO and maintain order, and he will not let anyone down, even though he may make a few mistakes along the way. He says he made a mistake by firing JR and he heard the nasty responses, so he listened and he wants the fans to welcome back Jim Ross.

Boomer Sooner starts playing and Cole starts yelling and complaining, then John says he didn't bring him back to commentate. He tells JR to watch the Titantron and they play a video of Cole running his mouth last week, then tells him they should settle their differences in a match. Cole starts laughing, then John says he will help JR and have Cole and Alberto Del Rio face JR and John Cena! Cole screams at him and they start mouthing off, and Cole jumps up on the table and keeps yelling until Randy Orton's music begins to play.

Randy Orton, Sheamus & John Morrison vs Mark Henry, Christian & Cody Rhodes

Christian gets clotheslined by Orton then gets punched in the corner, and Sheamus tags in but Christian jumps and tags Cody. He tells Orton to get out before he comes in and takes a shoulder block, then gets punched in the corner until the ref breaks it up. Sheamus whips him across the ring but Cody gets a boot up then cheap shots Orton, only to turn around into a backdrop and he makes the tag to Henry. Orton goes after Cody and they fight to the back as we go to a break. (Cont'd…)