(Spoilers) Full WWE Smackdown Taping Results For Tonight

Henry kept Show out of the ring, and hit Bryan on the back with the chair. Show stood on the apron and the two had a stare off until henry got out of the ring. Show got in, tossed the world championship back to Henry, then got on the mic to trash him.

4. Big Show defeated three enhancement wrestlers. Henry then trashed him from the ramp. Henry botched his promo afterwards. He did say he has impressed everyone and he will beat Show at Survivor Series and leave him with a lasting impression.

5. Alicia Fox beat Tamina. Natalya was on commentary. Dan said it was a "crappy match."

There was a bit with Sheamus and Matt Striker talking about Sheamus's temper. Then Mexican America, I mean Hunico, Epico and Primo made their way to the ring. The Uso's came out with their hake entrance.

6. Hunico and Epico beat The Uso Brothers. After the match, the Mexicans triple beat on The Uso's, including a sweet triple finisher. Hunico got the mic and spoke in Spanish and got the "What" treatment.

7. Wade Barrett defeated Randy Orton. Orton went for the RKO and Barrett avoided it. Barrett won with a thumb to the eye and a roll up. Good match.

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