WWE Smackdown Results (11/11) – Bryan/Henry Rematch, Survivor Series Captains Face Off

Daniel Bryan vs Mark Henry

Bryan tries to kick Henry but he gets cornered then thrown over the top rope to the floor, and Henry punches him then crushes his head against the ring steps. Henry rolls him back inside and punches him in the head, then steps on his chest and picks him up and press slams him onto the top tunbuckle. He steps back and charges the corner, but Bryan gets out of the way then hits a dropkick that knocks Henry off his feet. Bryan kicks him a few times then applies the LeBell Lock, but Henry powers out and throws him over his shoulder. Henry gets him in the corner and kicks him repeatedly then hits a standing splash and goes for the cover but pulls Bryan up at two.

Henry argues with the ref then Bryan tells him to bring it, but Henry picks him up and hits the World's Strongest Slam for the win. After the bell, Henry grabs a chair and brings it into the ring but Bryan kicks it out of his hands and slams it off of Henry's back. Henry gets pissed and shakes it off, then hits a World's Strongest Slam, a standing splash and a third World's Strongest Slam. He puts Bryan's foot in the chair and attempts to jump on it but Big Show runs out for the save and Henry picks up the chair but Show punches it away. Henry takes off and Show throws him his title, then tells Henry to pay attention to his match if he wants to be impressed by someone. 

Winner – Mark Henry

Big Show vs Three Local Workers

The three guys take Show to the mat but he gets up and knocks them all down then hits a double chokeslam, and tells the third guy to get back in the ring. He goes to leave but Show chases him down and throws him in the ring then hits the Knockout Punch for the win. Henry gets on the mic and says that was impressive, but he impressed Show when he slammed him down last week, and when he put him on the shelf for four months. He has been impressive since winning the title, but he is going to leave Show with a lasting impression.

Winner – Big Show


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