TNA “Turning Point” PPV Results – November 13, 2011

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Gail Kim, Karen Jarrett & Madison Rayne

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Gail Kim, Karen Jarrett and Madison Rayne. Karen says that Kim will go out to the ring and win the Knockouts Championship tonight. Karen cuts down Velvet Sky and puts over Gail Kim as the ideal role model for the TNA Knockouts.

TNA Knockouts Championship: Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim

Sky dominates the action early on. Kim eventually starts battling back and focuses her attack on the mid-section of Sky. Karen Karrett starts making her way to the ring. Kim nails Sky with a gutbuster and locks in an abdominal stretch. Kim attempts a springboard cross body only to catch a kick to the face for her efforts. Sky hits Kim with a few knees and a bulldog. Kim tries to hit Eat Da Feet on Sky but Sky reverses it into a butterfly facebuster. The ref is then distracted, allowing Madison Rayne to run in and attack Sky behind his back. Kim tries a pin attempt, but Sky kicks out. Seconds later, Kim hits Eat Da Feet on her for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Gail Kim

Backstage: Eric Bischoff and Abyss

Eric Bischoff is shown backstage yelling at his wife on the telephone for not using her birth control when they had Garrett. Bischoff hypes the fact that he'll take care of him on Impact Wrestling on Thursday. Bully Ray eventually shows up and freaked out because Abyss is a monster once again, based on what happened earlier tonight.

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