Impact Wrestling Results (11/17) – New Tag Team Champions, James Storm Finds His Attacker

Samoa Joe finds James Storm in the back and says he should listen to Roode, because he didn't attack him and he was with Roode the whole time. He tells Storm he wants credit to go to who deserves it, and Storm asks him if he had something to do with it. Joe says he didn't, because Storm wouldn't have gotten back up if he did and they start swinging at each other until it is broken up. Sting chases up with Roode backstage and shoves him and tells him not to touch Dixie, because it is the same thing as putting his hands of him. Roode laughs as says that is no way to treat an employee and the World Champion, then says he will sue Sting for everything if he touches him again. 

World Television Championship
Devon (w/ The Pope) vs Robbie E (c) (w/ Rob Terry)

Robbie runs at Devon but gets punched in the face and thrown in corner, then gets hit with a clothesline and a sidewalk slam. Robbie gets thrown to the floor and Pope gets in his face and hits him, then Terry sneaks behind Pope and hits him from behind. Terry taunts Devon's kids and Eric Young runs out with a chair, but Terry knocks Pope out and runs while Devon's kids jump the guardrail to check on him. Devon turns and sees them and tells them to go sit back down, and Robbie sneaks in from behind and rolls him up to retain. Devon grabs his sons and tells them to leave but they disobey him and stay back to check on Pope.

Winner – Robbie E

Sting is with Garrett Bischoff and Sting asks him how he pulled it off, and Garrett says he isn't as green as everyone thought. He asks Sting for another shot, and Sting says he was caught off guard last time so he will think about this one. Matt Morgan and Crimson walk past him talking about their match, and Sting asks them if they ever stop trying to top each other. He says there is a lack of dominating tag teams and asks them if they want a shot at Mexican America tonight. They are hesitant at first, but Sting tells them Mexican America said they were leaving because they have no competition, and Crimson and Morgan agree to the match tonight.


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