WWE Smackdown Results (11/18) – Survivor Series Preview, Mark Henry Gets Big Show’s Attention

Randy Orton & Sheamus vs Wade Barrett & Cody Rhodes

Cody kicks Sheamus in the leg but gets caught with a suplex and he backs into his corner and tags in Wade. He punches Sheamus then knees him in the stomach and whips him into the ropes, but Sheamus comes back with an elbow and some punches. Sheamus continues on offense with a suplex then goes for a powerslam but Wade floats over and kicks him in the head then throws an elbow smash. Sheamus hiptosses Wade away from him and tags Orton, and he hits a powerslam then follows with hanging DDT as Cody tries to sneak behind him. Orton catches him jumping off the turnbuckle and drops him with a backbreaker, but Wade gets back up and hits a big boot on Orton. 

Cody is in control after a commercial break but Orton comes back with a backbody drop and tries to make a tag but Cody tags Wade and he runs across the ring and knocks Sheamus off the apron. Wade gets a two count on Orton then applies a headlock but Orton gets to his feet and punches his way out and hits a backbreaker. Orton crawls to his corner and finally tags Sheamus, and he knocks Cody down with some clotheslines then unloads on him in the corner and goes to the top turnbuckle. He hits a battering ram then throws Wade to the floor, and he sets up for a Brogue Kick but Christian trips him with his crutch.

The ref calls for the bell as Cody hits the Beautiful Disaster, then Wade attacks Orton on the floor and throws him into the barricade then gets in the ring to go after Sheamus. Cody goes to swing one of the crutches but Sheamus blocks it and hits a Brogue Kick, then he smashes Wade in the ribs with it and Orton drops him with a RKO. Sheamus turns his attention to Cody and hits a Celtic Cross then celebrates with Orton on the turnbuckles as Smackdown comes to an end.   

Winners (by DQ) – Randy Orton & Sheamus


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