Bret Hart

Bret Hart Upset With CBC Spoof, Lashley Taking Bookings

A new article posted by The Toronto Sun has noted that WWE Hall of Famer Bret “Hitman” Hart is upset with a recent CBC spoof portraying wrestlers as stupid and imbecilic. Below is a highlight from the article which you can read in full by clicking on the above link.

“Friends of Canadian Broadcasting produced two spoof spots — dubbed Stop the CBC Smackdown — portraying the worst case scenario for CBC connoisseurs: The corporation sold to a professional wrestling promoter. And, he’s American.

In this imagined hell, the broadcaster is staffed with beauties and burly men: The wrestlers voice radio ads whilst the ring girls help deliver the weather.

All of the wrestlers in the videos are portrayed more than stupid, and that’s not sitting well with a Canadian legend.

“They are always portrayed imbeciles, dimwits with no brains at all, and that’s a disappointment, because a lot of us out there like Jesse Ventura, Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels and myself who are quite well-read, intelligent people,” Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart told QMI Agency. “We are some of the hardest working actors and athletes in the world. Nobody has a schedule like wrestlers, and with CBC, someone like Vince McMahon might be the answer to their prayers, they might start making some money.””

Lashley Taking Wrestling Bookings

Bobby Lashley, former WWE superstar and current Shark Fights Heavyweight Champion, is now accepting independent wrestling bookings and appearances for December into February of the new year.  If promoters are interested in bringing in Bobby Lashley, email Lashley is also working on a new official website that should be ready by 2012 and will feature news and information for both Bobby’s wrestling and MMA career. You can follow Lashley on Twitter @FightBobby.


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