Impact Wrestling Results (12/1) – New #1 Contenders For Crimson & Morgan, Roode Meets His “Consequences”

Anarchia goes for a cover then tags Hernandez back in, and he sets up a Gringo Killer but Pope slides out and knocks him down with a leg sweep clothesline. Devon tags in and takes down Hernandez then throws Anarchia in the air and hits a shoulder block for two, then stops Hernandez by throwing him off the turnbuckle then he hits a double clothesline on Mexican America. Jesse blindtags in but Devon sees it coming, and he sidesteps Jesse then puts him down with a spinebuster and makes the cover.

Winners – Pope & Devon

Austin Aries comes out and says he has a problem, because he has said he was the best guy there but he is so far above expectations that he can't even believe it. He didn't expect his greatness to be that much better than everybody else, but he has beaten everyone else and he thinks it is time they rename the division the A Double Division. Aries says he embarrassed Jesse Sorenson and a fan screams for him, but Aries says this is a wrestling contest, but if it were about looks he would win that too. Kid Kash comes out to confront him and Aries says he looks upset and tells him to relax, and Kash says he heard him say he already beat everyone.

Kash says he screwed him over at Turning Point, because he took out Jesse but Aries stole the pin, and he mentions that Aries walked out on him last week during their tag team match. Aries says he must have him confused, because he has been around the block a few times and he is a world champion, and he asks where Kash's title is. Kash says he wore that title before Aries even got there, and Aries takes off his belt and says if Kash thinks he is so tough all they have to do is shake hands and they will have a title match. They both go to shake and take a swing at each other, and Aries slides out of the ring and goes to the back and yells at Kash sucker punching him.


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