Update: Mick Foley & Brodus Clay Backstage Creative News

Mick FoleyMick Foley Creative News

Vince McMahon has been turning down almost every idea brought up by his writers regarding Mick Foley, according to the Wrestling Observer. The Christmas stuff with Foley on the live Smackdown as Santa Claus was pushed heavily by Brian Gewirtz.

Brodus Clay Creative News

An interesting story regarding Brodus Clay, which is coming from a report by the Wrestling Observer, states that when Clay finished shooting a movie for WWE Studios earlier this year, he asked what WWE creative had planned for him. WWE officials responded by saying they had no idea and suggested he come up with an idea for himself.

Brodus came up with the idea of being a monster heel that doesn't sell for the babyfaces, then beats them up and inducts them into his personal "House of Pain," similar to World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry. Brodus reportedly was told that it was a great idea.


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