TNA “Final Resolution” PPV Results – December 11, 2011

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews James Storm

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with James Storm. Storm calls himself a beer-drinking, ass-kicking machine. That’s about it. A video package airs recapping the history of the “who gave James Storm a concussion” storyline.

Kurt Angle vs. James Storm

Angle is aggressive in the early goings, due to the concussion storyline surrounding Storm. The announcers are really playing things up, hoping Angle will show some mercy due to Storm’s condition. Angle locks Storm into a side headlock. The ref raises Storm’s hand three times. Storm eventually shows life on the third. Storm eventually fires up, and gets in some offense. The crowd really isn’t into this as much as it should be. Angle eventually secures the ankle lock. Storm eventually kicks him off. Angle hits a big spot on Storm off the top rope. The crowd dug that. The announcers put over how much life Storm has in him. Angle again applies the ankle lock. Storm eventually kicks Angle off and DDTs him. Later on, Angle hits the Olympic Slam for a near fall. Angle tries for a moonsault but Storm moves. Storm comes back with the Last Call superkick for the clean pin.

Winner: James Storm

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Jeff & Karen Jarrett

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Jeff Jarrett and Karen Jarrett. Jeff is pissed about the new stipulation. Jeff says there are four ways to win the match — pinfall, submission, through the cage door and over the top of the cage. Sting shows up and re-mentions the stipulations. He shows handcuffs to Karen Jarrett to mock her.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Jeff Hardy (Cage Match)

Don’t forget, Sting is handcuffed at ringside. Hardy came out in a weird mask. Hardy has even weirder face paint when he takes his mask off. Sting comes out with sunglasses on. Interesting attire for those involved in this match. Sting handcuffs himself to Karen. Big “Hardy” chants break out from the crowd. Hardy goes for a Swanton Bomb off the cage early on, but misses. Later on, Jarrett shoves Hardy into the cage door, which swings and hits Sting. Karen manages to ge the key to free herself from Sting. Karen tries entering the cage with a guitar, but Sting stops her. Jeff ends up hitting the Twist of Fate for the clean pinfall.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

After The Match:

After the match ends, Sting enters the cage/ring and raises Hardy’s hand in victory. Hardy heads out as Sting grabs the mic. Sting says four days from now, on Thursday, someone is getting fired!

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Bobby Roode

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Bobby Roode. Roode talks about tonight’s Iron Man match. Roode runs through all the things he’s been called out for lately. He talks trash about AJ Styles, etc.

Continued on page four …


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