WWE Tribute To The Troops Full Results – 12/13/11

Big Show fights back with some punches to the midsection but Henry bodyslams him then tags Alberto back in, and he repeatedly kicks Show and goes for a pin. Show powers out and Miz comes in and helps Alberto beat Show down, then Henry gets right back in and headbutts him and yells at him to get his hands off him. Henry puts him in a bearhug but Show holds on and throws some headbutts to get out of it, then kicks Henry and they run at each other and double clothesline each other. Both guys are slow to get up but get the tag to Punk and Miz, and Punk hits a neckbreaker then runs at Miz and hits a knee to the face and a corner bulldog.

Punk bodyslams Miz and climbs the turnbuckle then jumps and hits an elbow drop off of Big Show's shoulders, but Alberto breaks up the pin. Henry comes in and headbutts Punk then whips him into the corner and sets up for a World's Strongest Slam but Punk slides out and kicks him in the head. Cena gets the tag and he hits a side suplex and the Five Knuckle Shuffle, then Miz and Alberto run in to attack Cena but Show and Punk cut them off and hit them with their repspective finishers. Henry gets up but is still dazed and gets hit with the Knockout Punch by Big Show, then turns around and Cena lifts him up and hits the Attitude Adjustment to get the win.

Winner – Big Show, John Cena & CM Punk

Cena grabs a microphone after the match and thanks everyone on behalf of the WWE for serving our country, and he says their season for giving is everyday they wear their uniforms. He says this event means the world to them because it is the WWE's way of giving back to everyone who gives them so much. Cena points to all the Superstars gathered on the stage and says this is all for the people serving and says this is their night so he wants them to scream for Fort Bragg. He tells them to show thanks for America then the whole arena cheers as he puts an American flag in the turnbuckle and all of the Superstars come and greet the fans as the show comes to a close. 


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