Impact Wrestling Results (12/15) – World Title Match Gets Overtime, Tag Title Tournament, Which Jarrett Gets Fired?

Kurt Angle goes out to the ring and tells Sting he is not going to ask, so he is telling him to get his ass out to the ring because he has some things to get off his chest. Sting comes out and he says he is sick of being screwed over and he can take Sting out right now, but all he wants is his rematch with James Storm. Sting says he isn't getting it because Storm beat him fairly, but Kurt tells him to hold on because he isn't finished. Kurt says he is going to Storm's home and he will beat everyone up if he has to, just to prove he is a bigger badass than Storm, then he tells Sting 'ta-ta for now' and leaves the ring.

Anthony Nese vs Zema Ion

Nese takes Zema down with a waistlock then hits a few armdrags and dropkicks him in the face for a two count. He follows it with a heel kick and sweeps Zema's legs and charges him in the corner and hits a running elbow and knee smash. Zema rolls outside and Nese hits a suicide dive, then rolls Zema inside and hits a springboard clothesline for a two count. Nese charges the corner again and Zema gets a boot up, then goes up top but Nese uppercuts him and goes for a hurricanrana. Zema shoves him off and hits a missile dropkick, then catches him with an atomic drop and a double knee smash, and makes the cover but pulls him up. He slams Nese down then covers him and pulls him up again, then goes to the top rope and hits a 450 splash for the win.

Winner – Zema Ion

Jesse Neal vs Gunner (w/ Ric Flair)

Gunner sweeps Jesse's legs then punches him in the back of the head and throws him into the corner and punches him until the ref calls for a break. He hits a dropkick then mocks the fans for chanting for Jesse, then throws him out of the ring and picks him up but the ref tells him to back off. Gunner shoves the ref and gets disqualified and he picks up Jesse while Flair removes the padding and DDT's him on the floor, then screams at the crowd while EMT's come help Jesse.

Winner (by disqualification) – Jesse Neal


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