Kenny Dysktra’s WRP Character, Neal Speaks on TNA Departure

Kenny Dysktra's WRP Character has posted a photo of former WWE star Kenny Dykstra's (real name Ken Doane) Wrestling Retribution Project character, which pictures Doane with a partner named Kevin Matthews. The team is referred to a The Illuminati, and the photo's tag line reads "enlightened men for unenlightened times."

Neal Speaks on TNA Departure

Jesse Neal, who recently departed from TNA Wrestling, has posted the following on Twitter: "For my real fans, thank you again and trust me, you ain't seen the last of me. I'm working really hard to become the best and I will."

"I have some of the most loyal fans," he wrote. "Just wanted to thank you for all the support. There is more to me than you've seen. Now the leash is off."