WWE Smackdown Results (1/6) – Teddy Long Gives Drew McIntyre A Second Chance, Daniel Bryan’s First Title Defense

WWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

January 6th, 2012

Intercontinental Championship

Booker T vs Cody Rhodes (c)

Booker hits a shoulder block that sends Cody into the corner, and they go to lock up but Booker hits him in the stomach then whips him off the ropes and drops Cody with an elbow. Booker picks him back up and applies a headlock, but Cody fights back and hits him a few times in the corner then kicks him on the ground. Cody twists Booker's arm around and elbows him, then they try to out chop each other and Booker whips Cody off the ropes and backdrops him. Booker hits a back heel kick for two then pulls Cody in the middle and chops him, then throws him out of the ring but Cody skins the cat and flips back in the ring.

Booker sees it coming and waits until Cody turns around to clothesline him out to the floor, then Booker follows him out but Cody attacks and throws him into the barricade. Booker goes for a backslide then Cody comes back with an elbow and a top rope moonsault for a two count, then bounces off the ropes and kicks Booker in the head. He puts him in an inverted choke but Booker gets up and ducks a clothesline then hits a side slam for two and hits a spinesbuster then calls for a scissors kick. Cody gets out of the way and misses a Beautiful Disaster, then Booker connects with a scissors kick but only gets a two count. Booker goes for another scissors kick but Cody moves then ducks another kick, and jumps off the ropes and hits Beautiful Disaster to retain.

Winner – Cody Rhodes

Dustin Rhodes approaches Cody backstage and congratulates him, but Cody says there is a reason they don't talk and he knows that Dustin has nothing important to say. Cody tells his brother than he is already better than him, and pretty soon he is going to be better than their father very soon. He tells Dustin if he wants to put on his gold paint and give it one more run he can, but he will turn him from a joke to a laughing stock very quickly.