TNA “Genesis” PPV Results – January 8, 2012

Jeff Hardy

TNA “Genesis” 2012

Results by Matt Boone for

TNA “Genesis” PPV Opener:

“Genesis” opens with Robert Roode being shown arriving to the arena. Next, Jeff Hardy is shown making his arrival to the arena. From there we go into the arena, the pyro goes off and it’s time for the first TNA pay-per-view of 2012. Mike Tenay and Taz introduce us to the show and hype up tonight’s top matches.

X-Division Title: Zema Ion vs. Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Austin Aries (c)

Rapper Rick Ross is shown in the audience for the show tonight. Zema Ion makes his entrance. Out next is Kid Kash. Jesse Sorensen comes out. And finally, the champion Austin Aries comes to the ring. And our X-Division title match is officially underway. Aries drops to the floor, leaving the other three guys in the ring all going at it. Ion performs a sick 360 splash onto Kash and pins him, eliminating him from the contest. Aries hits the same move on Sorensen moments later, but Sorensen manages to kick out of the pin attempt. Ion, Sorensen and Aries remain in the match at this point. A short while later, Sorensen pins Ion with a simple inside cradle to eliminate him from the match. Now we’re down to Aries and Sorensen. Aries tries immediately after to eliminate Sorensen with a small package pin attempt, but no dice. Sorensen fights back with a neckbreaker and a pin attempt, but Aries kicks out. Later on, Sorensen went to the ropes, but Ion, who was still hanging around, trips him up. Aries performs a running dropkick on Sorensen, who was still hanging off the ropes. Aries follows up with a brainbuster off the middle rope for a pinfall. Aries wins and retains.

Winner and STILL X-Division Champion: Austin Aries

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Devon’s Sons, The Pope

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is interviewing Devon’s sons. Devon’s sons babble for a bit until The Pope shows up and cuts a Pope-like promo. Pope says they won’t have to deal with Devon again. He puts his arms around Devon’s sons and says, “Daddy has spoken.”

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