WWE RAW Results (1/9) – Brodus Clay Debuts, CM Punk vs Jack Swagger, Kane Attacks Again

Punk fights him off so Swagger throws him in the corner and flips him over and puts him in a full nelson stretch then rolls him up for two when Punk tries to escape. Swagger puts him in a waistlock then throws him to the floor, and Dolph tries to go after him but John steps in the way and stops him from attacking. Punk pulls Swagger out of the ring the rolls in and runs the ropes and hits a suicide dive back on the floor before pulling Swagger back up as we go to a break. When we return, Swagger has Punk in a front facelock, but Punk makes it back to his feet and throws a few punches but Swagger kicks him in the face and gets a two count.

Swagger throws him into the ropes and hits a kidney punch, then slams his head off the turnbuckle and kicks him in the stomach but Punk fights back with knees to the head. He whips Swagger off the ropes and hits a shoulder block and a clothesline, then follows it with a neckbreaker and a running high knee. Punk goes for a bulldog put Swagger throws him across the ring and hits a running Swagger Bomb for two, then goes for another one but Punk gets his knees up. He goes for a top rope clothesline but Swagger catches him and hits a powerslam, then taunts Punk and goes for a gutwrench bomb but Punk counters with a GTS attempt.

Swagger slides out and hits a belly-to-belly suplex for two, then backs Punk into the corner and sets him up on the top turnbuckle for a superplex. Punk punches him a few times and knocks him down, then takes his time but hits a flying elbow drop and makes the cover but Swagger kicks out at two. Punk tries to put his shoulder back down but the bell rings and the ref says Punk is the winner eventhough Punk looks confused at the missed call. (Michael Cole is talking about the replay and says the ref blew the call, so they may be playing up the guest referee role at Royal Rumble.)

Winner – CM Punk