Colt Cabana Included In List Of Jewish Celebs From Chicago reader Marc Kruskol sent along the following …

The following is an excerpt from an article from JUF News:

Jewish celebs from the Chi

I've been feeling a lot of Chicago pride lately— the Bulls are finally playing [and winning] again and all of the fun things to do in the city during the winter season (despite this week's snowstorm) makes me actually want to be here instead of somewhere warm. And not only is Chicago chock full of cool stuff, but plenty of cool people are from/live here…even some Jewish celebs in the sports, entertainment and music industries. Don't call me yenta did some research on these folks and here's my list of the top 10 Jewish Chicago celebs by category.

The blurb on Colt Cabana reads as follows:

Colt Cabana- Unless you are into wrestling, I'm going to guess that many of you have never heard of Colt Cabana, but you should. Colt "Boom Boom" Cabana is a professional wrestler and comedian and a nice local Jewish boy formerly known as Scotty Goldman. Most people don't think Jewish when they hear wrestling, but Colt is changing that perception. Check out his story here.

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