TNA Posts London Pics, Orton Says His Promos Need Work

Randy OrtonTNA Posts London Pics

TNA has posted photos of the London Impact Wrestling tapings that took place this weekend, and you can check them out if you head over to the company's Facebook page Here. For complete spoiler results from the London tapings, be sure to click on the link above.

Orton Says His Promos Need Work

Randy Orton was interviewed in the February edition of WWE Magazine, and had the following to say about his promo work:

I can cut a better promo. I don't know if I'll ever be a guy who goes out there like John Cena and get away with telling jokes and then bring it back around to being serious. I honestly don't know if I have that much range. It's not me, but that's not a problem.

I definitely could be better on the stick, though. Is it affecting me in a negative way? I don't think so. Other than Cena, there's no one on the roster who's been champ as many times as I have.


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