WWE Royal Rumble

WWE Royal Rumble Results (1/29) – Punk/Ziggler, Triple Threat Cage Match, Surprise Entrants, Who Won The Rumble?

King bodyslams Miz and hits a middle rope fist drop, but Cody surprises him from behind and throws him out of the ring right before Ezekiel Jackson comes out. He runs out and chokes Cody, then drops both Miz and Cody with shoulder blocks before he clotheslines Kofi and kicks Miz in the corner. Zeke beats the hell out of Miz and Cody in the corner, then Jinder Mahal takes his time entering but rolls in and knocks Kofi down with a kneelift. Miz attacks Zeke in the corner while Jinder hits Kofi with a few more knees, then the buzzer goes off and The Great Khali makes his return. Khali chops everyone who runs at him, then he hits Jinder and throws him to the floor and fights off Zeke and chops him and clotheslines him out to the floor.

Khali punches Miz as Kofi tries to eliminate Cody, and Hunico comes out at #16 and knocks Kofi down with a springboard crossbody. Khali chops him then steps on his head, and Booker T comes in next and takes off his jacket and stands up to show he is already wearing his trunks. He goes right after Cody but Khali corners him and goes after Cody, then Booker tells Khali to hold him while he chops him near the corner. Kofi gets thrown to the floor but he lands on his hands then handstand walks himself to the ring steps and stays in the match as Dolph Ziggler makes his entrance. Booker T tries to eliminate Hunico but he lands on the apron so Booker pulls him in and hits an axe kick, then Khali knocks Dolph down as Hacksaw Jim Duggan comes out to a huge pop.

Duggan hits Miz and clotheslines Hunico, then he grabs Cody and Miz and smashes their heads together and starts a USA chant as he charges at Cody in the corner. Cody moves out of the way and clotheslines him out of the ring, then Dolph and Cody eliminate both Khali and Booker T. The buzzer goes off and Michael Cole comes out as #20, and he takes off his suit to reveal his wrestling singlet and he puts his headgear on and gets in the ring. Cole mockingly dances around as Cody as Miz attack Kofi and Dolph, then Kharma returns at #21 and Cole nearly craps himself. Kharma hits him with a clothesline then Cole gets up and goes to the apron and tries to beg her off, then Booker T and King get up and pull him off the apron. (Cont’d…)