WWE RAW Results (1/30) – CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan, Big Return, What Happens To John Laurinaitis?

Bryan puts him in a headlock when he gets back in, then Punk counters with a side suplex and gets up and hits a springboard clothesline for a two count. Punk picks him up and hits a backbreaker for another two count, then chops Bryan in the corner and whips him across the ring. Bryan tries to counter with a running dropkick but Punk moves out of the way then Punk puts him in a headlock and whips across the ring again. This time Bryan runs up the ringpost and backflips over Punk, then they run at each other and collide in mid air as we go to another commercial.

When we get back, Bryan is in control and goes back to working on Punk's arm and steps back on it before hitting a snap suplex then goes up top. Bryan gets kicked in the head then Punk chops him and screams 'best in the world' at Bryan before bringing him down with a hurricanrana. Punk hits a few clotheslines and a neckbreaker before backing up and hitting a running knee, then switches it up and uses his good arm to hit a bulldog. Punk calls for a GTS but Bryan slides over his back then leaves the ring, and Punk baseball slide kick but Bryan comes right back with a hard forearm shot. Bryan goes up top and hits a missile dropkick for a two count, then stands up and kicks Punk in the chest a few times before Punk ducks and rolls him up for two.

We get a few near pinfalls from each guys, then Bryan kicks him in the head and backs him in the corner before hitting another kick and taking Punk to the top. Punk knocks him down with a headbutt and follows it with a flying elbow drop for two, then he lifts Bryan up for the GTS but Bryan counters into a rollup attempt. Bryan tries to put him in the LeBell Lock but Punk slingshots him near the apron, then Chris Jericho runs out and throws Bryan into the guardrail to cause a disqualification. Jericho rolls in the ring and knocks Punk down with a Codebreaker, then waits at the top of the stage as Punk comes to and reacts to what just happened. 

Winner (by disqualification) – Daniel Bryan


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