Why So Many Promos On RAW, McMahon Campaign Donations

WWE RawVideo Promos On RAW

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that the reason why so many video promos aired during RAW this week is because of the hectic schedule the RAW crew has ahead. The crew is doing a mini-tour this week in Abu Dhabi, then they will return for a live RAW on Monday in San Diego and finally will go right to Elimination Chamber.

Linda McMahon Campaign Donations

According to fourth-quarter 2011 earnings statements, here are some notable donations to Linda McMahon's Senate campaign.

Stephanie McMahon Levesque donated $2,500
Triple H donated $2,500
WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt donated a total of $7,500
Donald Trump donated a total of $5,000
NBCU executive Bonnie Hammer donated $1,000
WWE executive Basil DeVito Jr. donated $500


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