Full WWE YouTube Schedule, Road Warriors Mentioned on Leno

Dolph ZigglerFull WWE YouTube Schedule

WWE has released the following schedule for its new, weekly YouTube shows:

-Tuesday: RAW "Backstage Fallout" & Dolph Ziggler's "WWE Download"

-Wednesday: "WWE Inbox"

-Thursday: "Outside the Ring"

-Friday: Zack Ryder's YouTube show & Smackdown "Backstage Fallout"

-Saturday: "Santino's Foreign Exchange"

-Sunday: "Are You Serious?" with Josh Mathews & Road Dogg

Road Warriors Mentioned on Leno

Thanks to The Metal Messiah for sending in the following:

Last night I was watching Jay Leno, and he was interviewing Cee Lo Green and discussing some of Cee Lo's outrageous outfits, and he showed a photo of Cee Lo wearing Road Warrior shoulder pads.

Jay asked him where he got the inspiration for it and he said from The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal. He mentioned them by name, then asked if anyone remembered Deep South Wrestling from the 80's & The NWA.


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