OVW Television Taping Results (2/15): Louisville, Kentucky

The following report is courtesy of Trent Vandrisse and F4WOnline.com

Here’s the Ohio Valley Wrestling Television taping report for February 15th, 2012. This will be a short report due to time constraints. Dean Hill, Gilbert Corsey, and Kenny Bolin were the TV announcers tonight. Ron Hed and Brittany DeVore were the ring announcers. The crowd was again a bit over 100.

Mike Mondo, Shiloh Jonze, Rudy Switchblade, Sean Casey and Chris Silvio are all scheduled to appear on the February 17th ROH house show in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Al Snow did a podcast interview with Steve Gerweck, where he talked some about current OVW, at this link.

Mohamad Ali Vaez appeared from Urban Active Fitness on the Wave 3 news in Louisville, giving out couples fitness tips for Valentines day. Vaez cuts a funny heelish promo on the anchor man here when he introduced Vaez as someone else. Wave3.com

The archive of the February 12th OVW Overview podcast with Mohamad Ali Vaez, Larry Goodman, and myself is available. This month the guest was OVW champ Rudy Switchblade, and Jamin Olivencia called in as well. Check out BlogTalkRadio.com

1. Dylan Bostic beat Nick Dumeyer

Dark match. Dumeyer kept control of this one for awhile, but Bostic cradled Dumeyer to win it.

2. Shiloh Jonze beat Chase King

Dark match. Jonze hit his flying forearm off the top to gain the victory.

3. Epiphany w/Lady JoJo beat Taeler Hendrix in a non title match

Another dark match. Epiphany and JoJo were wearing their “I heart being Black” T-shirts. Hendrix was dressed in black herself. JoJo flirted with referee Chris Sharpe before the match. Taeler Hendrix, the current OVW Womens champion, went for her leg drop across the into a drop down finisher on Epiphany after a struggle, but JoJo distracted Referee Sharpe. Epiphany then hit a twisting suplex on Hendrix for the non title upset win. CJ Lane came out and assisted Hendrix after the match.

The TV taping opened with all of the Mascagni Family coming out. Jessie Godderz had a girl with him, who was in tremendous condition. Christian Mascagni took the mic and said he would make “Smooth” Johnny Spade’s life a living hell tonight. Jessie Godderz took the mic and said the girl with him won an online contest to be in the ring with him. Godderz then pressed the attractive young girl several times over his head. Like last week, Mohamad Ali Vaez again became annoyed, and verbally expressed his displeasure with Godderz showing off during the middle of important Mascagni family business. Godderz looked annoyed with Vaez. Mascagni demanded Johnny Spade come out now, which he did. Mascagni said it was his job as “Talent arbitrator” to make sure OVW has a good roster, and that’s why he wants to run “fossils” like Johnny Spade out of OVW. Spade said he’s already beaten everyone in the Mascagni family expect Rob Terry. Mascagni then went for the jugular by saying Johnny Spade was an embarrassment to his late father. Spade became emotional and upset, while Mascagni hid behind Rob Terry. Mascagni said tonight would be Johnny Spade in a Gauntlet match, and if he loses, he must leave OVW. Out came Trailer Park Trash, the director of wrestling operations in OVW. TPT and Mascagni both have storyline power here now, so if one of them makes a match, the other gets to make the stipulations for it. TPT told Spade he can’t change the match, but he can add the stip that if Spade wins the Gauntlet match, he gets a shot at the OVW Heavyweight title at the Saturday Night Special on March 3rd. TPT also told Mascagni Family member Rudy Switchblade, the current OVW Heavyweight champion, that he would be in the Gauntlet match tonight.

Bolin Services 2.0 spilled out to the Davis Arena floor, with several of them wearing new orange BS 2.0 T-shirts, beating on “Rudo” Raul Lamotta. Lamotta’s partner in Los Locos, Anarquia, ran out and made the save for Lamotta. There was some bad, and fakey looking, brawling going on here. Rocco Bellagio, who has been gone from BS 2.0, and OVW for seven weeks since Los Locos drove away with Bellagio tied up in a bag in the trunk of a car, ran out and made his return to BS 2.0 Bellagio looked fine and perfectly healthy for a guy who’s been missing for going on two months. This needed some explanation. BS 2.0 again got the upper hand. Mickey, the personal assistant, handed Prince Bolin a bag, and Bolin took scissors out of it, and cut off some of Lamotta’s hair. Anarquia again came back and ran BS 2.0 off with a chair. So obviously the Los Locos vs BS 2.0 feud will continue…Sigh.

Christian Mascagni was holding court with his Family backstage, encouraging them to take Johnny Spade out tonight. Huge rookie Jose Del Barrio happened by, Mascagni offered him a spot in the Gauntlet match tonight. Del Barrio accepted.

Ring announcer Brittany DeVore, who is also the real life girlfriend of Ted McNaler, got in the ring and nervously said she had something to say. McNaler wasn’t here tonight, but DeVore asked McNaler’s “Brother”, Adam Revolver, to come to the ring. DeVore told Revolver that the fighting between he and McNaler has to stop, that their “Mom” is still crying, and it’s tearing the family apart. Revolver said it was all McNaler’s fault, while he openly checked out and hit on DeVore in a perverted way. Revolver told DeVore when she was done with the zero(McNaler), she can check out the hero(Himself). Revolver then kissed DeVore on the cheek and left. DeVore looked traumatized.

Christian Mascagni offered Tony Gunn a spot in the Gauntlet match backstage. Gunn accepted.

4. Chris Silvio w/Mo Green & The Hula Hoop Girl beat Lennox Norris to retain the OVW TV title

This was the first match of the TV taping. The Hula Hoop Girl has a Janis Joplin like look about her. A short time into the match disco music started playing, so Lennox Norris started disco dancing, since he is a disco dancer. Silvio asked for music to come up so he could dance, but instead he hit Norris with his “Rocket punch” finisher to win the bout, and retain the TV title.

Christian Mascagni added both Sean Casey and Raphael Constantine to the gauntlet match backstage. While this went on, the set for “A Moment in Paredyse” was constructed in the ring.

Next came Paredyse with his “A Moment in Paredyse” segment. Paredyse was wearing pink leg warmers over his jeans. Paredyse called out his current rival, Brandon Espinosa. The crowd, who had been kinda dead on this night, suddenly sprang life here during this segment. Many chants at Espinosa. Paredyse asked Espinosa some questions, like why has he been putting a dress and make up on his beaten opponents lately, and about Espinosa saying he sees Paredyse across the ring from him in all of his matches lately. Espinosa wasn’t into answering some of Paredyse’ questions, but instead he offered Paredyse to come on his new talk show next week, which will be called “Brandon Espinosa’s Straight Talk”, where he Espinosa will answer Paredyse’ questions, and have some questions for Paredyse of his own. This segment worked well.

Shiloh Jonze was talking to Johnny Spade backstage. Jonze and Spade are the current OVW Southern Tag team champions as “OMG”. Jonze asked Spade if he really wants to go thru with the Gauntlet match tonight. Spade said he has to after Christian Mascagni called him out. Jonze wished Spade good luck.

5. Johnny Spade won an 8 man Gauntlet match to earn a shot at the OVW Heavyweight title on March 3rd

TV Main event time. Christian Mascagni was at ringside for all of this match. Out first was rookie Jose Del Barrio. Spade beat Del Barrio in a matter of seconds with a superkick. Out next was Raphael Constantine. Spade beat Constantine with a superkick, while Constantine was coming off the second rope. Next in was Sean Casey, the tag team partner of Constantine. The three lady valets with Casey and Constantine were at ringside too. Casey hit a spinebuster on Spade, but like the others fell victim to a superkick and was pinned. In next was Tony Gunn. Gunn dropped Spade throat first across the top rope, but guess what? Yep. Spade pinned Gunn with a superkick. Do you see a pattern developing here? In next was Mascagni Family member Mohamad Ali Vaez. Vaez totally dominated Spade for a few minutes, but then out to ringside with a wrench came one legged Iraq war hero Michael Hayes. Hayes began adjusting the tension on the bottom rope. Vaez became distracted by this, and went over screaming at Hayes. Hayes had a funny line telling Vaez he wanted to make sure he was safe. Vaez then walked into a Spade superkick, and was pinned. Next in was Mascagni Family member Jessie Godderz, who had his ultra fit new girl with him. Godderz pressed Spade over his head and dropped him down, but like the rest so far in this match, Godderz was dropped with a superkick and pinned by Spade. Next came Mascagni Family member Rob Terry. Terry with a version of a powerslam on Spade, but Spade came back and pinned Terry with a superkick. This was Terry’s first loss in OVW. Terry stayed in the ring and gave Spade a chokeslam after he lost.

Last in the Gauntlet was Mascagni Family member, and OVW Heavyweight champion, Rudy Switchblade. Mascagni pulled mats off the floor, and placed a chair on the concrete, for Switchblade to hopefully drop Spade on to. Switchblade watched Mascagni curiously. Meanwhile, Spade rolled up Switchblade and pinned him in a matter of seconds to win the Gauntlet match, and earn a shot at Switchblade’s OVW title at the March 3rd Saturday Night Special. Mascagni and Switchblade argued heavily on the floor after the loss, but I think the taping was over by then. Jeez, do ya think Johnny Spade might be the #1 babyface here right now? An OK show again this week. Send any feedback to tvd65@hotmail.com


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