Former ECW & TNA Stars Uniting To Knockout Bullying reader “Bullying We’re Kickin It” sent along the following …


“Top New York wrestling promoter is stepping into the ring to help knockout bullying, with the campaign that is packed with the muscle do so.”

NEW YORK – Family Wrestling Entertainment (FWE) has aligned with the Rocky Marciano/BULLYING…We’re Kickin’ It National Campaign to help eradicate an ever growing epidemic that is plaguing our youth and they are kicking off the relationship with several of the wrestling stars flexing their muscle in support on Feb 25th at St.Paul Hall during the FWE No Limits Wrestling Event.

Bullying is witnessed in every area in every community; we are all familiar with it in one way or another, so we all need to unite against it. ~states FWE President Jordan Schneider.

“We are aligning with Kickin’ It not only because of their message; the campaign is effectively helping to improve the social climate for all students. By uniting with KI we are helping to spread the powerful message that bullying is not acceptable behavior, while letting our young fans know that Kickin’ It is there for them, providing healthy ways to deal with these issues” continues Schneider.

“Wrestlers have a persona, as do bullies, the only difference is bullies intentionally want to hurt others,” states FWE wrestler Malta the Damager.

Standing nearly 7 feet tall and weighing over 300 pounds one would not think the gentle giant would have been picked on as a youngster. “Bullies targeted me because I appeared different, not only was I big and lanky, my ethnicity in the Astoria neighborhood made me different. After getting knocked down so much I realized I had nowhere to go but up. I believed in myself, I turned to wrestling and now I perform for thousands of fans.” states Malta.

“We all have a responsibility to tell our youth (and the young fans) that negative behavior is unacceptable, uniting with KI will help strengthen that message”, states FWE wrestler Jay Lethal.

“Wrestling is about being assertive and confident not necessarily aggressive, win or lose its about having a strong sense of self worth and respecting yourself and your opponent.” states FWEwrestler Tommy Dreamer “Kickin It promotes respect, compassion and unity, WE all need to work together to strengthen and reinforce the message that bullying is not acceptable.” ~Dreamer

“Wrestling is sports entertainment for students and families to enjoy which not only involves an entertainment aspect but a strong athletic regimen which can allow students to release negative emotions and energy ‘” states Scott Epstein, KI Director of PR, with over 40 years in wrestling and sport promotions.

“Students can join their school wrestling team that can lead to scholarships; wrestling could take them to the Olympics and/or offer career opportunities. Professional Wrestling known better today as Sports Entertainment does have its array of former Olympic Gold Medal winners, NCAA Champions and a Pan American Games Weight Lifting Champion. Aligning with FWE is a positive move that sends a positive message. ” Epstein states.

“My in ring poetry allowed for me to vent my feelings thus giving me relief from stresses and helped increased my positive energy.” states former WWE Superstar and Campaign Spokesperson Leaping Lanny Poffo, aka The Genius. “Kickin’ It encourages and promotes students to turn to any positive outlet (not just sports, music, etc.) to gain a healthy perspective and that allows the campaign to support countless students not just a small group.” ~Poffo

“We are proud not only to stand with these athletes but with the entire FWE Organization as they offer family entertainment whiling promoting the sport respectfully” ~Rocky Marciano Jr.

Unite in the Fight to Knockout Bullying and meet some of the muscle that is Kickin’ It, Feb 25th at St.Paul Hall NYC, the No Limits Wrestling Event hosted by FWE. Post a positive message on the BULLYING…We’re Kickin’ It f/bk page and the 1st 100 positive quotes will receive a FREE ticket to the Event. The Top 5 exceptional quotes will receive a Kickin’ It Poster signed by some of the FWE athletes!”

ABOUT: The BULLYING…We’re Kickin’ It Nat’l Campaign an aggressive, unique, powerful course of action designed to; reduce bullying behavior, improve the overall school climate and keep the anti-bullying message present throughout the year, ensuring all students a safe and healthy school experience. Kickin’ It provides school projects, intervention strategies, faculty and bus driver support and assistance, afterschool leadership workshops, parent/guardian groups, student mentoring programs, access to positive outlets, an anonymous text reporting hotline, a resource fund for students seeking professional help and social media monitoring and support, re-enforcing and emphasizing traditional values, manners, etiquette, kindness and respect.

ABOUT: Top Rope Promotions, LLC., is proud to present Family Wrestling Entertainment (FWE). FWE is committed to providing a family-friendly wrestling experience with all the action and excitement of the familiar TV-model but without any of the violence typically associated with wrestling entertainment. FWE’s exceptional story lines created by a variety of wrestling personalities provides a unique brand of in-ring entertainment that is appropriate for all members of the family. We are Family Wrestling Entertainment and we take our name very seriously.


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