Description & Match-Listing For ROH’s New Daniel Bryan DVD

Ring Of Honor

ROH recently issued the following …

Ring Of Honor released “Bryan Danielson – American Dragon” on DVD today.

The following is the DVD description and official match-listing:

One of the founding fathers of Ring of Honor, Bryan Danielson fought to earn his reputation as one of the best wrestlers in the world from day one and helped put ROH on the wrestling map. Crisp technical wrestling, vicious submissions, and fierce strikes are just some of the hallmarks Danielson brings to the table every time he enters the squared circle. It was those attributes that eventually brought him to the ROH World Title and helped establish a reign that will forever stand tall in ROH’s history books.

With battles against AJ Styles, CM Punk, Austin Aries, Jushin Liger & Jay Briscoe, amongst many others, this 2-Disc set is a look at 13 of the best matches from the early years of Bryan Danielson’s ROH career. From his “Epic Encounter” with Paul London to the beginning stages of Bryan’s historic ROH World Championship run, these matches are part of what define him as an ROH Legend. This is Bryan Danielson, this is wrestling, this is The American Dragon.

Disc 1

1. vs. Paul London…The Epic Encounter 4/12/03 (note from Mike: This match remains my favorite ROH bout ever and is the source of the back and forth dueling chants you hear at every wrestling show today)

2. vs. AJ Styles…Main Event Spectacles 11/1/03

3. vs. Jay Briscoe…Final Battle 2003 12/27/03

4. vs. CM Punk…ROH Reborn Stage 1 4/23/04

5. vs. Aries (Final Fall- SOTF 2004)…Survival of the Fittest 2004 6/24/04

6. vs. Austin Aries (2 Out Of 3 Falls)…Testing The Limit 8/7/04

Disc 2

7. vs. Samoa Joe (ROH World Title Match)…Midnight Express Reunion 10/2/04

8. vs. Jushin Liger…Weekend of Thunder Night 1 11/5/04Lbr> 9. Bryan Danielson & Low Ki vs. Jushin Liger & Samoa Joe…Weekend of Thunder Night 2 11/6/04

10. vs. Homicide (Steel Cage Match)…Final Showdown 5/13/05

11. vs. James Gibson (ROH World Title Match)…Glory By Honor IV 9/17/05

12. vs. Christopher Daniels…A Night of Tribute 11/19/05

13. vs. Naomichi Marufuji…Final Battle 2005 12/17/05

You can order the DVD at


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