TNA “Victory Road” PPV Results – March 18, 2012

TNA Knockouts Title Match: Madison Rayne vs. Gail Kim

Both girls grab each other’s hair early on. The referee has to seperate them. Kim is now dominating the offense. The match ends up on the floor and Rayne eventually whips Kim into the guard rail on the outside. Rayne sends Kim back into the ring. Rayne goes for the Scissors Stomp but Kim fights her way out of it. Rayne is choking Kim in the corner now with her boot. Rayne suplexes Kim, bridging into a pin attempt. No dice. Rayne locks in a submission hold but Kim fights back to her feet. Kim turns the tide with a custom knee-breaker type move. Kim hits a big missile dropkick off the top. Kim gets a nearfall out of that spot. Kim goes for Eat Defeat but Rayne fights it off. Rayne gets a few roll-ups for nearfalls, but ultimately nothing-doin’. Rayne gets Kim in a chinlock and screams out loud how they’re not friends anymore. Kim eventually hits Eat Defeat and gets the pin to retain the Knockouts Championship.

Winner and STILL Knockouts Champion: Gail Kim

Backstage: Jeremy Borash With Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Christopher Daniels and Kazarian. Borash says he received a lot of tweets about Kazarian being the more aggressive wrestler. Daniels interupts and says whatever Kaz’s role is, it’s still in Daniels’ plan. He claims Anderson shouldn’t have gotten involved in what was going on between those two and A.J. Styles. He claims tonight both are going to pay for the mistakes they’ve made.

A.J. Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

Daniels and Kazarian come out first. Next out is A.J. Styles. Mr. Anderson comes out next, and calls for the microphone. The mic comes down and Anderson speaks. Anderson calls out the ladies, the a-holes, the a-holes and gentlement. He does his usual shtick. Anderson and Daniels start things off in this tag-team contest. Daniels backs off, and Kaz tags in. Kaz and Anderson lock up and Kaz backs Anderson into the corner. Anderson ducks a right hand and beats on Kaz in the corner before sending him across the ring and hitting a big clothesline. Styles tags in and Kaz begs off, heading into his own corner and tagging out to Daniels. Later on in the match, Dixie Carter is shown sitting ringside with a reality show host. Back in the ring, Daniels hits Styles with a punch. Styles comes back with a nice dropkick before he and Anderson hit Daniels with repeated strikes. Daniels bails to the floor, so all four guys end up brawling out there. Back in the ring, Styles suplexes Daniels, holding him in the air for a long time before dropping him down. Daniels ends up in control of the offense. Daniels dominates for a while. Daniels goes for the pin, but Styles won’t stay down. Kaz tags back into the match, and Daniels whips Kaz into the corner, where he monkey flips Styles. Styles lands on his feet, clotheslines, Daniels, and hits Kaz with a Pele kick. Styles tags out to Anderson who comes in and takes out both Kaz and Daniels with clotheslines, neckbreakers and hitting a Green Bay plunge, putting Kaz on top of Daniels. Anderson goes for the pin but he kicks out at the count of two. All guys end up in the ring, but they ultimately all lay each other out. All guys are down. Everyone eventually gets back up. When they do, they all trade blows. Styles sends Daniels to the floor. Anderson beats up on Kazarian in the ring. Daniels distracts Anderson. A.J. makes a blind tag and springboards. He’s caught by Kazarian who attempts the Fade To Black. Styles counters, rolling Kazarian into the Styles Clash. He nails it and scores the pin.

Winners: A.J. Styles & Mr. Anderson

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