WWE RAW Results (3/26) – Final RAW Before WM28, Punk Injures Team Johnny Member, Cena/Rock Face Off

Rock says there is only one guy who the fans wanted to see him come back for, and he says John Cena's first Wrestlemania was also his last. He says Cena has risen to the top and he became the WWE's heartbeat, but he has never faced anyone like him and he wants to tell him what will happen on Sunday. Cena interrupts him before he can continue, and he listens to the boos before telling Rock that the noise is nothing new to him. He tells Rock he is half right, because he will never see anyone like John Cena, and he has listened to all of the talk for a year. Cena says Rock is the best trash talker there is, but Cena shows up every single week and he says Rock may be the best but he isn't the first.

Cena says he got thrown to the wolves and there are so many guys who have mocked him before, and the list is longer than the names Rock has for his 'strudel'. The fans start a dueling chant so Cena says he can sum up the fans in five words, and he says he has heard a divided audience say 'Let's Go Cena / Cena Sucks' for years now. Cena says he just does what his shirt says and he rises above, but the best part is that he wins and that is why people are hating on him. He says that people might hate him, but they know he is going to win and he tells Rock that he has been active in WWE longer than Rock was. Cena says he is proud of his career and he stuck with it even when times were bad, but at least everyone knows that he is truthful when he speaks. He says this is why he needs to win, and he will still be there but Rock will be back on the movie set and promoting GI Joe.

Cena says no one will remember second place and he needs the win, so he will be damned if he will let a visitor come in and take away what he loves. Rock says he knows what the people want, and he knows they don't think of him as a visitor because he helped build this house. He tells Cena the fans know Cena can't overcome him, because he came back after all of these years to beat Cena, and that is what drives him. Rock says no one can say they beat Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and John Cena at Wrestlemania, but he needs to do it to become the greatest superstar of all time. He tells Cena he doesn't like him personally, and he is going to give him the ass kicking of a lifetime, and Cena knows it just like the fans do. Cena says it doesn't matter what he thinks and he will lay it out for him, but Rock will see him as the guy getting his hand raised on Sunday. He says he will kick his ass and make the prediction come true, then Cena drops the mic and Rock gets in his face as RAW ends.

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