WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Results (4/1) – Two New Champions, End of an Era, Rock/Cena

Taker rolls him back in the ring but HHH hits a facebuster, then Taker shakes it off and clotheslines HHH before pulling him up and hitting a shoulder block. He holds HHH’s arm and hits Old School on the top rope, then Taker sends him back out to the floor and he starts taking apart the steps. Taker hits HHH in the face with the steps, then he lays HHH on the apron and connects with a legdrop across HHH’s throat. HHH defends himself with a quick DDT, then he slams Taker’s head off the ring steps and pulls him on top of them and goes for a Pedigree. Taker counters with a backdrop, then he turns around and continuously punches HHH in the temple before slamming his head on the steps.

Taker backs up and runs at HHH, but HHH sends him into the steps with a spinebuster, but Taker holds on and puts him in Hell’s Gate. HHH uses his strength to get up and slam Taker down to break the hold, then a bloodied HHH goes outside and brings some chairs into the ring. HHH smashes the chair off of Taker’s head, then he wedges the steps against the turnbuckles and whips Taker into them headfirst. He continues the assualt by beating the hell out of Taker with a chair, then HBK tries to pull him away and he tells HHH to stop. HHH shoves him away and hits him a few more times, then HHH says HBK can end it if he really wants it to be over. HBK tries to tell Taker to stay down, but Taker says he can’t stop and he gets up and walks into a hard chair shot by HHH.

Taker kicks out of a pin attempt and HBK once again tries to back him off, but HHH goes outside for more weapons and he tells HBK to end it before he does. HHH brings a sledgehammer back in the ring, and he argues with HBK in the corner as Taker struggles to make it back to his feet. HHH blasts Taker in the face with the sledge, but Taker kicks out at two so HHH measures up to hit him in the head again. HBK dives to pull the sledge out of his hands, then HHH tells him to ring the bell but HBK is hesitant to do so. He goes to check on Taker, and Taker puts him in Hell’s Gate, then HHH breaks the hold by hitting Taker in the head with the sledge. (Cont’d…)


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