Piper Praises CM Punk, Lawler Mocks Prichard’s Heart Attack?

Lawler Mocks Prichard's Heart Attack?

During last night's WrestleMania PPV, when talking about John Laurinaitis' white suit, Jerry "The King" Lawler said the following which can either be construed as a jab or merely coincidence: "That suit is so ugly, it would give Brother Love a heart attack."

As reported last week, Brother Love, real name Bruce Prichard, of TNA Wrestling, suffered a pair of minor heart attacks which sidelined him from Impact Wrestling events.

Piper Praises CM Punk

WWE Hall of Famer "Rowdy" Roddy Piper posted the following on Twitter:

Like to thank@CMPUNK for the respect and more the talent he has.The Sky is CM's limit. I'm very impressed with the performer & more the Man! 9 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto


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