WWE RAW Results (4/2) – CM Punk Defends Against Mark Henry, Lord Tensai Debuts, Brock Lesnar Returns!

WWE RAW Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

April 2nd, 2012

RAW starts off with everyone gathered in the locker room, then John Laurinaitis quiets them and says he made history at Wrestlemania. He says he is the most powerful man in WWE, but he won't let it go to his head and he will give back to the people. John announces Santino will defend his US Championship against Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger, then CM Punk cuts him off from the back of the group. Punk calls him toolbox and says nothing has changed, but John says he knows Punk likes to joke so he will defend his title. John puts him against Mark Henry tonight, then he says tonight is a new era and calls it 'People Power.'

The Rock comes out after the RAW intro, and he says he is going somewhere with his speech, but the fans break out with a 'you still got it' chant. He says he came back 14 months ago and they did everything, but it wasn't until last night after he won at Wrestlemania that he could say this. Rock says he is FINALLY… home, then he says he has goosebumps but he needs to stop and thank John Cena, but the fans boo and chant 'Cena Sucks.' Rock says Cena brought it like never before, and it really was an honor to fight Cena in the biggest match of all time, and win or lose they did it for the fans.

Rock says he needs to thank his friends and family, but more importantly he needs to thank the people and the millions… and millions. He says he got cut from the Canadian football league, and it is because of the fans that he stands before them as the people's champion. Rock says if they think this is the end, he can guarantee that this is the beginning and they start a 'thank you Rocky' chant. He says he had a vision last night when he was celebrating, and he woke up and told some people about his vision. Rock says the people told him his vision was impossible, but he wipes a monkey's ass with impossible and he asks if they want to know his vision. He says he will walk down the aisle as WWE Champion, and he says that will come true for Team Bring It if you smell what the Rock is cookin.