(Spoilers) ROH TV Taping Results For Next Four Weeks

Taped for 5/19 (final tapings of the night):

Kelly and Nigel out to start. Nigel chants and Kevin Kelly chants. Cut to the only set of videos we can’t see of the night!

Crowd is probably the most energetic one since the first Du Burns chant.

1. Mike Bennett (w/ Maria Kanellis and Brutal Bob Evans) vs. Eddie Edwards: Big pop for Maria. Why Not Bob chant. Maria is hot. Eddie is full mohawk McGillicutty tonight. Eddie’s still got marks on his back from the railing spot last month. Heated start with stiff slaps to the face. Nice STF from Eddie, then brawly brawl on the outside. Bennett seems more confident this month in the ring. D-Line kids are pointing at Maria’s ass. Big backbreaker from the top to Eddie. Trading forearm shivers to the face, then boots to the face. Eddie tosses Bennett out twice, then nails an Asai moonsault. Backpack chinbreaker, half crab by Eddie but Bob distracts him. Eddie hits a Code Breaker from the top, but Bennett takes over with a big spinebuster. Eddie up top and nails Bob with a double stomp and pins Bennett in a small package. Excellent 11 minutes.

– Afterwards, Bennett attacks Eddie from behind with Maria distracting him, then #WhyNotBob hits Eddie with a scoop backbreaker. Maria straddles Eddie, says “how dare you touch me!” and slaps him. Awesome act. Good pairing.

2. Michael Elgin vs. Grizzly Redwood & Jamal Dickinson: Originally just Redwood vs. Dickinson, Elgin, Roddy and Truth come out before the match. Truth proposes they tag up against Elgin for $1000. Elgin kills Dickinson quick with a spinning sitout powerbomb and he’s carried out. Grizzly comes in and is eventually powerbombed onto the apron. Grizzly hits a Tornado DDT in the ring, but Elgin continues to kill him. Some Elgin chants, but mostly quiet since people like both guys. Lethal out to help as Grizzly’s tag partner. Ref allows it for some reason, but Grizzly can’t get there. Hot tag! Flying forearm, double leg lariat, springboard back elbow. Roddy slams Grizzly hard into the barrier and kills him on a chair. In the ring, Elgin hits a black hole slam, but it all breaks down when Lethal hits Roddy off the apron and Roddy attacks him for the DQ. Elgin is pissed and argues with Roddy until Lethal hits Roddy with Lethal Injection. Truth tries to make peace, but Roddy and Elgin face off to “FIGHT” chants. Eventually Truth convinces them to shake hands to big heat. Good ten minutes of TV.

3. Elimination Match: The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. The All Night Express (Kenny King & Rhett Titus): ANX attack the Bucks before the bell! Rhett isolated in the ring at first, but Kenny cleans house. Both teams dive outside, and Kenny is pinned way too quickly with a double superkick in five. Everyone is confused, but then Bobby announces it’s an elimination match. No heat since Kenny is out. Matt Jackson yells that Kenny has AIDS to a round of boos. Bucks work over Rhett’s left leg. Rhett reverses Matt’s setup for MBFYB and gets the pin out of a rollup. Matt won’t leave ringside, so Kenny comes back out. Rhett makes a comeback on Nick with a Samoan Drop for a two. Matt tries to interfere, but Kenny hits him with a front suplex on the apron. Rhett hits an elevated DDT for the win in 12.

– As they celebrate, WGTT attack ANX from behind, but D-Line come out for the save and challenge for an eight-man. This is probably dark. Haas says if any idiot kids chant D-Line, they’re going home. Then he threatens to smack a kid. BEST HEEL IN WRESTLING. They start to leave but the crowd chants MAN UP and the match is made.

Dark Match: The All Night Express and D-Line vs. The Young Bucks & Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team: Non-Mohawk D-Line starts against Shelton who bails and tags in Matt, who bails and tags in Nick, who bails and tags in Haas, who stalls and tags in Shelton. Rhett tries to start a chicken clucking chant. Big D-Line guy shoves Shelton down and tags in Mohawk. Tease test of strength, the WGTT and D-Line face off in three point stances. D-Line wins the tackle. Both teams go into huddles. Yes chants ensue, then Daniel Bryan chants, to which Kenny King asks, “who?” Eventually, Haas takes over on Mohawk and spits at the faces repeatedly. Nick tags in and does a Flair impression. Mohawk plays babyface in peril to Shelton, eventually hot tags Kenny who goes to work on Haas. Kenny tags in Mohawk intead of the other two fresh guys. Melee! Charlie grabs a PBR and he and Kenny trade sips and punches until Kenny hits a superkick for the win! Fun stupid 15 minutes dark match.

– ANX and D-Line celebrate to end the show! But wait, Charlie back in the ring to wipe his ass with a D-Line shirt, and he gets quadruple teamed! Haas gets on the mic and heels it up. NOW ANX and D-Line celebrate to end the show.

Fun energy to this show, but no real standout matches.