(Spoilers) ROH TV Taping Results For Next Four Weeks

Ring Of Honor

Report by Sajid, PWChronicle.com and F4WOnline.com

Tapings start pretty much on time! Probably about 600 or less here tonight. Changed up the seating a lot.

Dark Match: Darius Marus? vs. Juji Marshall? Seriously couldn’t understand any names. Sarcastic “you still got it” chant to start. First guy is a break dancer type. Wins in 3. Only one botch.

Crowd cruelly chants Barney Rubble at Sinclair

Taped for 4/28:

1. Proving Ground Match: Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander (Th New Combination): Nice pop for NC, bigger pop for Briscoes. No handshake. Great opening minutes. WGTT come in and take out Jay on the outside with a low blow behind NC and Sinclair’s back. NC win with their double team finish in 5. Really good for the short time.

2. Rhino (w/ Truth Martini) vs. Jimmy Marsalia: Huge pop for Rhino. Truth says it’s an exciting day for HOT. They have the TV Champ Roddy, the breakout star of 2012 Michael Elgin, and the hired mercenary, the Man Beast Rhino. Talks down Marsalis and threatens him with a GORE GORE GORE. No handshake. Squashed in less than 30 secs with the gore. 18 seconds chant. Rhino’s in great shape.

– Jim Cornette and Kevin Kelly in the ring, so this is obviously about Kevin Steen. Steen out with ring boy Jimmy Jacobs. Steen has the Canadian flag, talk about Border Wars (the Toronto show on 5/12), says Cornette is trying to relive 1997 with USA vs. Canada. Bitches about Cornette not returning calls. Calls out Davey Richards, who comes out with US flag, actually gets cheered. Says he’ll kick Steen’s fat head from Canada to USA, the best country. Steen says they used to be close, wrestled all over world together. Said he was pissed that ROH screwed him, and Davey said he’d help him, but he didn’t do shit because he didn’t want Steen around since he steals the show every time. Davey says he needs to look his fat ass in the mirror. Steen calls Davey a hypocrite for saying ROH is his home, but he threatens to leave. How many times has he said that, you tell me bitch? Davey says the Elgin match showed how much he cares about he title. Davey says ROH doesn’t want the match because Steen sells tickets and Davey will end him. Challenges Steen for right now! Cornette says he’s been protecting Steen because he’s an attention whore. Cornette makes match for Toronto, piledriver legal. They have to sign waivers in case they get paralyzed. They can kill each other. Kill Steen Kill chant. Steen says he’ll sign it and says all Cornette has is Smokey Mountain tapes. Steen signs. Cornette reveals if Steen loses, he’ll never get another shot at the title according to that contract. Steen tells Davey he only needs one shot. Davey says fat ass has no shot in Toronto. Efficient segment.

– Dude from 98 Rock comes out to push 5/18tapings tickets. Taping in general has been very efficient, not so much down time. Good stuff. Some group of kids and adults called D-Line have about 40 people here.

3. Main Event for the World TV Title: Roderick Strong (w/ Truth Martini) vs. Adam Cole: Pop for Adam, bigger pop for Roddy. Handshake. Someone yells that Truth looks like a tall glass of lemonade, which is true. Marcia Brady chants for Truth during a good match. Michael Elgin out at 6 to a big pop, wearing his new tshirt. Big nearfall after a Cole brainbuster to the knee. Roddy tosses Cole onto Elgin at ringside. Cole back in the ring, but he dives on Elgin. Back in the ring again, Elgin distracts ref, Truth hits Cole with Book of Truth, Roddy finishes Cole off with lung blower in 9. Good match, nothing special. End of first tapings.

– 98 Rock guy out with free stuff.

Continued on page two …


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