What Brand of Beer Did Y2J Use? DVR Note For Tonight’s SD!

Chris JerichoWhat Brand of Beer Did Y2J Use?

Several readers have sent in word that the brand of beer used by Chris Jericho during last night's CM Punk segment on Raw was National Bohemian, which is brewed in Baltimore. This is the reason why you could hear the crowd chanting "Naty Bo" during the beer pouring part of the segment.

DVR Note For Tonight's SD!

Just a reminder that if you are DVR'ing tonight's live Smackdown special, and you have DirecTV, you have to manually set it to record as the show as DirecTV is listing the show as "WWE Super Smackdown." If you have your DirecTV box set to record Smackdown automatically, the show will not record unless you set it to do so.


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