Complete FCW Television Results – April 8, 2012

The following report comes courtesy of Mark Robinson and

FCW Television Report 8th April 2012 by Mark Robinson @lithiumproject

So where were we…

Match One: Byron Saxton Vs Kenneth Cameron

It would seem that the SaxMan is back and finally his arm is fully healed. Hooray! It would also seem that Cameron is a good guy now… oh look Conor O Brian is back and seems to have raided Undertaker’s wardrobe. Where the hell has he been anyway? Cameron was very fired up and ready to tear Saxton apart, but had the sportsmanship to wait till the bell rung. Saxton managed to sneak in a low blow while the ref was sorting the ring apron out. Conor seemed to get bored and let out a primal rage which turned out all the lights… and then we went to an ad break.

Winner:… er.

Match Two: Ric Victor & Paige Vs Aiden English & Audrey Marie

Nope, no idea who English is. He seems to have the basics down and apparently has a major in theatre. I’m warming to Victor, oh so very slowly but surely. He went for a knee drop and missed and we got hot tags with the girls. This consisted of Paige screaming and hitting a suplex and a neckbreaker, but could only manage a couple of two counts. Paige got pissed and slapped the taste out of English’s mouth. Things got manic and Raquel Diaz came out and got involved. Victor hit a couple of flying Canadian lifters for the win and we were treated to McIntyre’s old theme.

Winners: Paige & Ric Victor

The new FCW champion Seth Rollins was on the stick and said he had his eyes on the main event tonight.

We had an interesting little segment with Summer, Naylor and Bronson. There will be a ‘tapout’ match next week. So I guess ‘submission’ is now off the cards? Regal was a king here as well.

Kassius Ohno tried to rhyme Kassius and bashes and I disapproved.

Husky Harris has had a gimmick overhaul. Apparently IRS sunk on a boat and died once, but luckily Harris is very, very good on the mic that I didn’t think too much about it. He also sounds a lot like Layne Stanley when he sings.

GOOD OL’ JR IS IN THE HOUUUUUUUUSE. Still not sure about that goatee.

Main Event for the FCW Jack 15 Championship with a twenty minute time limit: Antonio Cesaro Vs Richie Steamboat©

Cesaro has dropped Malenko’s theme music. There was some lovely mat wrestling early on. A quick inside cradle led to a couple more roll ups but only two counts came of it. Steamboat stuck to the arm. It was all very simple stuff for the first five minutes, but it was all so beautiful.


Back from the break and Cesaro had grabbed a pinfall with a ‘Gotch like neutralizer’.

Cesaro 1 – 0 Steamboat

Steamboat was dumped to the outside and then suplexed back in. Cesaro went for another suplex back in to the ring, but Steamboat reversed with a roll up. Cesaro kicked out and nearly sent Steamboat back outside again. Cesaro pulled out a Rude Awakening going in to the final ad break.


Steamboat was still down by one but was giving it all, and as he was getting fired up so was the crowd (doesn’t always happen with this lot). He took a shot to the kidneys and a back suplex. Cesaro went up top and hit a rolling knee drop across the chest of Steamboat and a reverse suplex. He went to the well once too often and missed a knee drop from the top. Cesaro changed his game plan and decided to keep throwing Steamboat out of the ring. Steamboat managed to pull an awesome roll up from out of nowhere and we are tied.

Cesaro 1 – 1 Steamboat

A minute to go and Cesaro was just throwing Steamboat around like a sack of potatoes. Cesaro hit a brutal European uppercut but it sent Steamboat outside as the time expired.

Tied and still your Jack 15 Champion: Richie Steamboat

Cesaro wasn’t having any of it and dropkicked Steamboat right in the face.

Closing Comments:

They seem to be going down the route they did last year with the Rollins/Ambrose series. Both matches so far have been very good but not anywhere near close, but hopefully the next rematch will hit all the right spots. J.R and Regal should do every show from this point out. I could complain about the gimmick repackage of Husky, but there isn’t any point. Wasn’t he the tag champ along with his brother? Whatever, we’ll see where it goes.


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