WWE Smackdown Results (4/10) – Blast From The Past, Extreme Rules WHC Match Announced

Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs Hunico (w/ Camacho)

Hunico rides in and says he doesn't care about the past because he's the future, then he runs in the ring and gets thrown to the floor by Duggan. Camacho gets in his face so Duggan calls for backup, then Sgt Slaughter comes out and throws him a 2×4, and Duggan hits Hunico. The ref disqualifies him, then Slaughter puts Hunico in the Cobra Clutch and they celebrate while Camacho checks on Hunico.

Winner (by disqualification) – Hunico

Cody Rhodes comes to the ring and says tonight's Blast From The Past is a waste of time because he is the future and they should fast forward to when he is champion. He says Big Show won't get within a lucky a punch of him, then his father, Dusty Rhodes, comes out and Cody says this isn't his business. Dusty says this does concern him, because Cody wanted to be a WWE superstar but he poked the bear when it came to Big Show. Cody says he is embarrassing him now and they should talk in the back, then Big Show cuts him off and says he wants to show the real Cody. Show plays a clip of 'Dashing' Cody putting on lip gloss, then Show says that is really embarrassing and Cody leaves his father standing in the ring.

Daniel Bryan & Alberto Del Rio vs 'Mean' Gene Okerlund & Sheamus

Sheamus and Alberto punch each other in the middle of the ring, then Sheamus knocks him down but Bryan tags in and uppercuts Sheamus near the corner. Bryan keeps Sheamus grounded and tags Alberto back in, then Sheamus counters with a backdrop but Bryan gets right back in. Sheamus takes Bryan out and knocks Alberto off the the apron, then Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick but Bryan ducks and throws him out to the floor. Alberto hits him with an enziguiri then they all corner Gene in the ring, but Roddy Piper leads a group of legends out to the ring to even things up. Piper tells Bryan to turn around, then Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick and makes the cover to win. Howard Finkel announces the results, then he runs to the ring and all the legends hit Ricardo with their finishers before celebrating with Sheamus and Gene. 

Winners – 'Mean' Gene Okerlund & Sheamus

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