TNA “Lockdown” PPV Results – April 15, 2012

Steel Cage Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle

Hardy and Angle pace around each other to start the match. Angle goes after Hardy and attacks him. He beats him into the corner. Angle lands a couple of quick kicks. Angle chokes Hardy with his boot in the corner, then taunts Hardy by imitating him. Hardy whips Angle into the corner and follows in with a clothesline, then a low dropkick. Hardy catches Angle in the corner with a series of right hands. Angle reverses an Irish whip and launches Hardy into the cage wall. Angle circles Hardy before flipping off the crowd.Later on, Hardy hits the twist of fate and Angle is down on the mat. Hardy heads into the corner and goes up, but Angle is up and he hits the Angle slam from the top rope, planting Hardy on the mat. Angle goes for the pin but Hardy is able to kick out at two. Angle hits Hardy with repeated rights. It's a little more obvious that Angle's leg is hurt now. Angle tries to escape, but Hardy pulls him down and drops him with a clothesline. Angle stops Hardy from climbing out of the cage. Both men are slow to get back up. Hardy tries to escape through the door, but Angle grabs him in the ankle lock. Hardy rolls through and locks Angle into an ankle lock of his own. Angle almost taps, but he rolls over and kicks Hardy off. Hardy hits the twist of fate once more. Hardy hits a big swanton out of the corner. Hardy heads up on the opposite side of the ring, going back to the top and hitting a second swanton, but it's still not enough to keep Angle down for a pin. Angle is begging off now. Hardy slams Angle into the cage. Angle hits the Angle Slam for a nearfall. Angle goes for another one moments later, but Hardy reverses into an Angle Slam of his own onto Angle. Hardy takes his shirt off and heads to the top. Hardy climbs to the very top of the cage. Hardy comes off the top of the cage with a huge swanton. He pins Angle. Checkmate.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

TNA Knockouts Tag-Titles: ODB & Eric Young vs. Sarita & Rosita

ODB charges at both Sarita and Rosita to start things off. Rosita eventually jumps on her back while she's pounding away at Sarita. Sarita and Rosita double-team ODB while Eric Young amuses himself on the sideline. Rosita uses her boot to choke ODB in the corner before kicking away at her. Sarita tags in to the match and stomps away at ODB, laying in with a big knee. Sarita takes a second to attempt to seduce EY before going right back to assaulting ODB. Rosita makes the tag and comes into the ring, kicking away at ODB with her partner. EY heads into the ring, and this allows Sarita and Rosita to double team ODB with an assisted splash. Sarita and Rosita take some time to talk to Young. ODB recovers, takes a shot, and goes to work. ODB slams Sarita. She hits Sarita with a spear. ODB shoulders Rosita and drops her to the mat. She gets the pin and the win.

Winners and STILL TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions: ODB and Eric Young

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