*Spoilers:* Complete WWE Raw Taping Results For Tonight

Brodus Clay vs Dolph Ziggler. Massive heat for Vickie. Mixed reaction for Dolph.

Match is quick as swagger pulls Ziggler out an then goes for Brodus.Ziggler then sells a press slam with huge air like a champ. One of clays dancers pushes Vikki over. Now ensues the prehistoric dance session.

Next a video package for Chief Jay Strongbow. For those of you who don't know, Strongbow died last week. Crowd with respectful applause and cheering.

Here comes Khali first for a tag match playa! It's Khali and Show vs Epico and Primo. Abraham Washington is standing at the top of the stage watch Khalis (not so) greatness. Epico and Primo are looking to bail I don't blame them… But show chases. Double choke slams from the big men for the win.

Next up Cena and the mystery. The mystery is…. Tensai I'm shocked!!!! Not Albert chants for Tensai. Big Johnny is ringside for the match and Tensai is dominating so far. Tensai throws cena in to the step then goes for a power bomb cena reverses the big man. Cena smashes Tensai with the steps. Satomako just got involved kicking cena in the chest. Cena is actually going for the 5 moves of doom on Tensai… Tensai reverses and hits cena with a senton.

Cena gets Tensai in a cross face so Otunga gets involved. AA to Otunga. Cena turns into a green mist from Tensai then a baldo bone for the win. That's it for RAW refs are attending to Cena who's got green crap all in his eyes.

Dark match is Jericho Punk WWE title huge pop for Y2J. Punk interrupts jerichos entrance, here we go…

Punk had Jericho up for a GTS then D Bry interfered for the DQ then all hell breaks loose as we get Sheamus, Rhodes, ADR, Big Show and Orton hit the ring. Punk and Y2J brawl to the back. While the remaining baby faces hit finishers on all the remaining heels to send the crowd home happy! A great show overall.