CM Punk “Spotted in a Pub,” Superstars Matches Taped at Raw

CM PunkCM Punk "Spotted in a Pub"

WWE is running an angle on the company website claiming that CM Punk was spotted leaving a London Pub today. The following is an excerpt from the article, which notes that footage of Punk at the pub is expected to air on Raw tonight:

As first revealed on WWE's Breaking News mobile alert service, WWE Champion CM Punk has reportedly been spotted in a London pub, just hours before Raw SuperShow emanates from London's O2 Arena as part of WWE's tour of Europe, which includes tonight's edition of Raw in the United Kingdom.

Superstars Matches Taped at Raw

The following matches were taped before Raw today, and will air on Superstars this week:

-R-Truth vs Jack Swagger

-Kelly Kelly vs Eve Torres


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