WWE Smackdown Results (4/20) – People Power Sees Two NXT Signings, New Debut, Six Man Tag Team Main Event

WWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

April 20th 2012

Daniel Bryan comes out and says Sheamus took the coward's way out at Wrestlemania, and he made him feel like his title reign didn't happen. He says Sheamus has been taking shortcuts with Alberto Del Rio and referees, but he won't let that happen again this Sunday. Bryan says he will return to Chicago and shock the world, and he will beat Sheamus twice so it won't be a fluke victory like at Wrestlemania. Bryan says he has a treat for the fans around the world, and he will outwrestle Sheamus so all of the question have been answered. He says he has the advantage and he will walk out of Extreme Rules as the champion, then he starts a YES! chant until AJ comes out.

Bryan tells her to turn around and go away, but she tells him no and he asks if she is out there to steal his spotlight and to get Sheamus to attack him. AJ says this is the only way she could get to him, and she asks to talk about their problems but he says he doesn't have anymore problems. He says he got rid of her because she was the problem, then she wishes him good luck but Bryan wishes she didn't come out there at all. Bryan says he wishes they never met or dated, then he wishes she was never even born and says he will answer another question while she starts to get upset. Bryan asks if there was a chance of him taking her back, then he says 'no' and throws the mic down before walking away, leaving AJ crying in the ring.

AJ vs Natalya

AJ continues to stare at the ramp and Natalya asks what is going on, but AJ turns around and slaps her in the face. She throws Natalya into the corner and repeatedly punches her in the face, then the ref pulls her away. AJ runs right back to the corner and continues to punch her, and the ref calls for the bell and AJ leaves while looking shocked at what she did.

Winner (by disqualification) – Natalya